Social Media Marketing Tips for 2020

Social Media Marketing Tips for 2020

To help, I reviewed CMI’s 2020 posts on social media marketing and came away with some key insights for one-stop reading.

  • Use 5-10 of the most relevant hashtags on @Instagram, says @accidentallywa via @cmicontent. #socialmediaCLIC

  • Organic data can inform paid social strategyAnn Gynn recommends a data-driven approach to social advertising. First, evaluate the traffic coming to your site from organic social media traffic. It’s like having your own focus group. For instance, if a blog post is getting a lot of traffic from Twitter, then it would be a good idea to run Twitter ads to give that post a further boost.

  • Facebook ad placement and your campaign objectiveBrad’s post was published at the beginning of the year. By now, I wouldn’t be surprised if average organic reach was even lower. What’s one way to combat that downward trend? Facebook Ads. To reach your target audiences on Facebook, you need to spend money on Facebook advertising.

  • Swipe-up link at 10,000 followers on InstagramBrad’s post was published at the beginning of the year. By now, I wouldn’t be surprised if average organic reach was even lower. What’s one way to combat that downward trend? Facebook Ads. To reach your target audiences on Facebook, you need to spend money on Facebook advertising.

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